Interview 21-03-2023

Michon Is Here

By Ophtec

We Are Here. For ophthalmologists to do the best job possible. In a series of video interviews you will get to know the people behind Ophtec and how we operate.
This week: Meet Michon, our Senior Account Manager, The Netherlands.

Michon Is Here

Ophthalmology is in our DNA. Ever since our very first start, we strive to develop ingenious product and solutions. To find new and better ways. To innovate. Not for the sake of it, but to truly help doctors do their best job possible for their patients. This spirit guides us for 4 decades.

As an Account Manager in the Netherlands, Michon visits eye surgeons at work. Inside or outside the OR. With her knowledge about the products and the market, Michon is a trusted sparring partner and able to help in any way. 

Watch Michon talk about her job and how she goes the extra mile. 


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